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Child Sacrifice Goes Mainstream in the world . . .

Child Sacrifice Goes Mainstream in the world . . .

Donald Trump, Mason-Illumaniti . . .
Donald Trump and his father Fred with the Masonic Brotherhood of Death, hand-over-hand Skull and Bones ('X') Signal. The Bavarian Illuminati Brotherhood of Death secret society also known as the Order of Skull and Bones and the German Thule Society created both the Nazis and the CIA. On Memorial Day in 1927, a riot erupted between supporters of Benito Mussolini's Italian Fascism and the Ku Klux Klan, KKK; the Klan's stated purpose to march was that "Native-born Protestant Americans" were being "assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City." In New York City's Queens borough, Fred Trump was one of seven men who were arrested on the day "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so." One article on the riot, written in the Long Island Daily Press, stated that all seven arrestees were wearing Klan attire, leading some to speculate that Fred Trump may have indeed been a member of the Ku Klux Klan, KKK. Fred's son Donald denied all allegations of the arrest when asked by the New York Times in 2016, disputing the residency of his father claimed in the original report (175-24 Devonshire Road, Jamaica). It has, however, been established by the U.S. Census that Fred did reside at that address at the time of his arrest. . . .
Mason-Illumaniti_Handshake . . .

See here for an explanation of some of the satanic hand signs (symbols,) satanic hand signs and symbols . . .

Original short version . . . ! " . . . but there will still be pain!"

Liberty-Mutual-Insurance_sign_of_satan, slow motion . . .

Hand signs used in satan worship . . ., here the three sixes, i.e.: 666 . . .

Document Icon10 And whatsoever man . . . that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.doc

Movie IconIslamic Terrorist Network in the United States of America . . . .htm

Movie IconProtestant America, the Vatican's last major nation to defeat . . . .htm

Movie IconJesuits and the New World Order of the 'pope' . . .htm

Document IconISIS, ISIL, IS, Clinton, Madeline Albright, Bush--Cheney, John McCain working with Barack HUSSEIN Obama's Administration's planned downfall of the United States of America . . . .doc

Document IconHow the U.S. Government, both Republican and Democrat, the Jesuits and Communist, have Planned America's Downfall . . . .doc

Document IconHow Illegal Aliens and the planned downfall of the American economy are related . . . .doc

Document IconWhat If Obamacare Was Never About Our Health . . . ALSO, Is Putin Really More Powerful Than Obama . . . .doc

Priests In Panties . . . .doc

Movie Icon"Vatican and America - Important Documentary . . .htm

Movie IconSecret history of the Jesuits and 'pope' Francis, the head of the Jesuits . . .htm

The Origins of the Roman Catholic 'church'. . . .htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 1.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 2.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_ Part 3.htm

Movie IconRoman Catholic 'church' created Islam, and many other false religions, Mormons, etc, and worships Baal, and Ties, and Illuminati Symbols_Part 4.htm

Movie IconJesuit Pope Francis Grand Master of The Knights Templar--Freemasons .htm


Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 2) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 3) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 4) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 5) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 6) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 7) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 8) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconPope and The Papacy (Part 9) John MacArthur.htm

Movie IconWider Mercy Salvation- John Macarthur talking about Billy Graham's view.htm

Movie IconBilly Graham Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way.htm

Movie IconMovie_Most_Important.htm

Document IconRoman Catholics and Islam the 'Ties that Bind' . . . , Rupert Murdoch, Saeed Abedini, American pastor imprisoned in Iran, Obama's 'quiet diplomacy' efforts = public betrayal . . . .doc

Movie IconGianna Jessen's Abortion Survivor Gives Powerful Testimony Before Congress, Published on Sep 9, 2015.htm

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Paul S. Harrell

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